Improving the quality of life for the less fortunate people makes a dire need of urban renewal and is the top priority of the URAThis is what it say on the Urban Renewal Athorities Website. HAHA! Read this HK Magazine article please! What they do in reality is a little different. They destroy old neighbourhoods instead of restoring them. They make sure Hong Kong has more luxury high rises, car parks, hotels and less heritage buildings with character, unique markets and shops. They need constant public pressure to do the right thing, because the are not Non-Profit. They want to make money. Now the Urban renewal Athority is evicting current market stall owners and shop owners without providing them any alternative in the area. Please write them an email and let's try to stop this insanity!

Here is what I wrote about Graham Street Market in 2011:
The pictures are of Graham Street Market in Central. Graham Street Market is one of the oldest outdoor markets in Hong Kong. It's been around for 160 years. Even before Hong Kong became a British colony there was a bazaar on this site, selling provisions to the ships arriving in Hong Kong. Unfortunately the Urban Renewal Authority is planning to redevelop Graham Street and Peel Street. When they say redevelop they actually mean tearing down the old buildings and building higher, more profitable high-rises instead. This will affect 37 building and 78 shops. It will start 2015 and be completed in 2021.